Gravina plays ahead of the curve: federal elections on November 4th

In the post-Switzerland press conference, FIGC President Gravina had been clear: new elections at the first available date. And so it was. Yesterday evening she was called for the November 4th the elective assembly of the Football Federationwhich will be called to choose the next federal president. Today’s edition of the The Sports Gazette He’s talking about a Gravina disappointed by the criticism that rained down on him after the elimination of the National Team, that he would have been willing to resign if there had been more time before the new elections.

Yet, as written by the pink paper, today he might not have problems in obtaining his third mandate, since only Serie A and Serie B are against him; while the Lega Nazionale Dilettanti (which has a weight of 34%) is still on his side. However, the hypothesis that Gravina cannot be excluded choose not to run againafter a year of clashes within the Federal Council, accusations of self-laundering and tensions with the Government. However, there are those who think that this acceleration in the vote is a way to catch any new candidates off guardWe’ll see, in the meantime the date of November 4th will be one of those to circle in red.