Fiorentina, Thorstvedt surpasses Vranckx: the Norwegian can arrive for 7-8 million

Fiorentina is back on top Christian Thorstvedta long-standing target for the Viola and now back in the news in the last few hours. Palladino’s diktat is one: a midfielder is needed as soon as possible to partially fill the void left by Castrovilli, Bonaventura, Duncan, Maxime Lopez and Arthur. At least three or four midfielders will be needed from the market. And, given Palladino’s desire to change modules and game systems, they will have to have one quality: versatility.

According to Sports Courier an ideal profile is precisely that of Thorstvedt: author of the best season of his career in terms of goals, 6 goals in fact, as an attacking midfielder, but with a past as a central midfielder and mezzala, he is at the top of Pradè and his team’s ‘shopping list’. In the last week, the overtaking of the other strong target for the midfield, Aster Vranckx of Wolfsburg, above all for a factor of costs and time. The player, busy in recent weeks in Germany with the eliminated Belgian national team (European Championship concluded with zero minutes on the pitch), has also attracted the interest of Crystal Palace,

The Norwegian from Sassuolo is immediately attackable and, despite a valuation of 10 million, the Neroverdi CEO Carnevali – also in the face of pressure from the player, who wants to stay in Serie A – could let him go for 7-8 million.