Ds Ternana on Fiorentina’s young players: “They told me the same things about Amatucci as Barella”

Stefano Capozucca, sports director of Ternanaspoke to Radio Bruno of the five young players he had on loan from Fiorentina last season, which culminated with the unfortunate relegation of the Fere in the Serie B playout: “In my opinion two or three young players, I don’t want to name names, are already ready for the Fiorentina first team. I decided to bring many young Viola players to Terni because I have an extraordinary relationship with Pradè, I spoke to him this morning too. I also know Angeloni very well, he was a player of mine in Varese. It had never happened to me in my career to bring five young players from the same team”.

How did you see Amatucci?
“When I was at Cagliari there was Barella and everyone told me that physically he was perhaps not suited to certain levels. They told me the same thing about Amatucci: he has the characteristics of a great central midfielder, he has important technical qualities and a great personality”.

She also had Mandragora.
“He was my player at Genoa, he could do better.”