Chiellini: “I spoke to Pogba these days. I hope to see him back on the pitch soon”

Giorgio Chiellinithrough the microphones of Sky Sports he spoke about the words of Paul Pogba on Juventus and Luciano Spalletti’s Italian national team looking for a way to restart after the debacle at the European Championship.

Paul Pogba’s words?
“I knew him as a boy, he was little more than a child when he arrived and he immediately made himself loved. In these months I have written to him, now he is a man but for us he remains that boy that we have seen grow up. He could have been a generational talent that was lost a bit due to injuries, now I hope he can come back to show himself, can come back to play. He certainly made a mistake, even if I don’t know how things went, but my hope is to see him on the pitch soon because he is truly a golden boy”.

How should Italy restart?
“I would start by distinguishing the periods: there is the present, and here we are talking about Spalletti and how to help him in the next two years. As he himself admitted, he made some mistakes, but I firmly believe he is the best person for the next two years. We couldn’t have anyone better, but he needs help to create a team that can go to the World Cup. Then there is a short-term future, 3-5 years: here we need to do as soon as possible what was done 6 years ago by Costacurta, that is, to carry forward the project in a more firm way, giving opportunities to create second teams to allow players to grow. The step to arrive with experience in the first team is missing. Then there is the long-term discussion, working on football schools to reap the benefits in 15 years”.