The reconstruction of the Della Rovere case at Bayern and a sensational own goal by our football

TMW Exclusive

In a moment of vertical decline for Italian football, the best photograph is to look at the present and the future of our talents. And for most of the insiders of our country, The Oak Tree he is one of the brightest prospects of football to come. 17 years old last June 4, Calabrian origins, attacking midfielder, left-footed, delicious feet and ideas. One of those guys who can become a reference for our football of the future but who has found the agreement to leave Italy. He will be a new player of Bayern Munich and will leave Cremonese for free.

Another defeat for our football
Della Rovere’s farewell is another defeat for our football. And it’s a good thing that the big European clubs are interested in players of this caliber, of this perspective, that the Della Roveres grow in such prestigious academies as that of Bayern Munich. The point is another: why did he leave Cremonese for free? “Our objective has never been economic but of project, of perspective, of growth – explains the father, Salvatore Della Rovereto We asked Cremonese for technical guarantees, that he would not only be added to the first team but that he could have space. That the club would really show that they believed in him, giving us guarantees on playing time, on space, on the technical project”.

The failure to renew and the case of the bond
Even before there was the modification of the constraint, the parties were already discussing the contractual renewal. Except that the family and entourage have evidently not seen technical and project guarantees of continuity for The Oak Tree which instead would have put other companies on the table. Juventus and Atalanta tried to sign the player but Cremonese “rejected important offers”, continues the boy’s father to TMW. “Guido always told me: ‘I want to play, I want to grow’, and I didn’t see this prospect for him in Cremona.” A huge technical opportunity lost for a very young boy who, even in Serie B, was unable to find space and who then, in agreement with his family and entourage, preferred to go elsewhere. The renewal proposal? “Only June 25th,” explains Della Rovere sr. And even in the face of proposals from Juve and Atalanta, and calls from Giuntoli and Percassi, the Grigiorossi stood firm waiting for answers on the renewal. So Bayern, who had already tested the waters together with Ajax in January, accelerated and found an agreement. Another golden talent of our football that Italy is letting slip away. In a moment of collapse for our movement, photography was (not) needed.