Spezia, Pittarello is still the target for the attack: new assault on the Cittadella player

In Spezia’s house the name of Philip Pittarello always remains at the top of the market men’s list Eduardo Macia And Stefano Melissano to complete the offensive department available to Luke D’Angelo. The Ligurian club, as reported The 19th Centurywould have put on the table an initial offer of 350 thousand euros that the sporting director of Cittadella Stefano Marchetti is evaluating at this time.

The class of ’96 scored six goals last season, two of which were in the league Little Eagles, and three assists in 35 appearances and had already entered the club’s sights last January when, however, the deal did not go through. For this reason the Ligurian club has returned to the attack also given the low salary of the center forward, for whom 200 thousand euros per season are ready (double what he earns at Cittadella).

In addition to Marchetti’s response, however, we are also awaiting the green light from the ownership which could arrive in the next few hours to allow Mr. D’Angelo to have the complete department – ​​Di Serio, Falcinelli, Soleri and Pittarello – available for retirement in the Dolomites which will start on July 19th.