Sassuolo, Carnevali on Berardi: “We are waiting for him, we know his value”


He had already said it last June in Parma during the Serie A Festival, he reiterated it today, at the official opening Grand Gala of the 2024/2025 transfer market which is taking place in Rimini: Sassuolo will wait for Domenico Berardi, and the CEO of the black-green club Giovanni Carnevali confirmed it againwho took stock of the situation on what the team’s immediate future will be, at the starting line of the Serie B championship, after last season’s bitter relegation.

“Returning to Serie A is our goal, we are working towards this – says the CEO -, but we are aware of the difficulties and that Serie B is tough, even more difficult for us who have problems also at player level: we have important, strong players, who have played in Serie A and who want to return. Berardi? His recovery is going quite well, and the most important thing is that he returns to the field as soon as possible, to be a player: we are waiting for him, we know the value he has”

Let’s remember that Berardi himself, as can be understood from the statements of the manager, is struggling to recover from the injury suffered last March 3, when, during the match lost at home to Hellas Verona, he had suffered a complete lesion of the Achilles tendon in his right leg; the striker, moreover, was returning from a long injury, and therefore had to miss the European Championship (where Italy was eliminated by Switzerland in the round of 16).