Sacchi: “Italy, it’s right to start from Spalletti, he’s a strategist. We need reliable guys”

During the interview granted to today’s edition of Corriere della Sera, Arrigo Sacchi he focused on the Italian coach Luciano Spalletti: “It is right to start again with him because he is a strategist. He will make the most of his mistakes, I am sure. But now he must only focus on players who he deems ideal for his ideas of play. He must go through persuasion and percussion, with a defined project and without fears. First of all, however, it must focus on the right men, with solid moral values. We need reliable and intelligent guys. We are in a bad situation, we need strong and courageous choices.”

And also a broad reflection, which involves the entire system, without hiding.
“The problem is that we are old. As a country. And football is simply the mirror of the country. Those who have to decide are so caught up in the political aspects that they never think about technique, about the ball, in the strict sense. At the center of the debate there must be the game”.

How do we get out of this? Should the system be reformed?
“We need a renewal, we were left out of the World Cup twice. But how many times have we repeated it? But then we do nothing. In Germany they have 24 federal centers. In France 16. Switzerland 3. We have one, built in 1957. Without structures there is no planning. Without planning there is no growth”.