Parma, former Zagaritis exalts Bernabé: “Not even he knows how strong he is. He reminds me of David Silva”

During a long interview given to ParmaLive.comthe former Crusader defensive lateral Vassilis Zagaritisinterviewed by the in-depth portal on Fabio Pecchia’s team, spoke thus about Adrian Bernabè and his first Serie A championship, the next one: “For me, not even he knows how strong he is. He has a wonderful left foot, he plays with his head more that with his legs, he can still improve, even physically or tactically. Bernabé and Man were the two players from whom we also expected something on the pitch to resolve matches, without them I think we would have had many more problems last year. Who reminds me of David Silva.”

And what can you tell me about Begic?
“The first day I saw him I asked why they took young players from the Primavera to go to Serie A. Then we met, I saw him play and I understood. It was clear that he was the only one, besides Man, who could go one-on-one. I thought he could do very well, then he was left out like me, I didn’t understand. However, I want to say that Parma is my second home, I arrived as a boy”.

You chose Holland, was there any possibility to stay in Italy too?
“Yes, before the summer. But I wanted to play in the top division. I played in Serie B for many years and I didn’t want to stay there. There was an opportunity and I took it immediately.”