Ferrari: “Italy, today there is a generational gap. Let’s give Spalletti the opportunity to build”


The market agent and intermediary Fabrizio Ferrariinterviewed exclusively by TMW on the sidelines of the opening of the summer transfer market in Rimini, he also spoke about mister Palladino’s new adventure in Florence: “Palladino has shown that he has great tactical acumen, he has rather precise characteristics. If Fiorentina has placed a strong bet on him, it means that they have seen what I have seen. I have great faith in this young coach”.

An inevitable comment on Spalletti’s national team: how to overcome this disappointment?
“Today we have a generation gap, with many good players who are evidently struggling a bit at an international level. This doesn’t mean we have to throw everything away, but we have to look for compactness and security with players who can give personality to this team. I have great faith in Spalletti, he has suffered a beating, but let’s give him the opportunity to create a new national team. We are Italy”.

Read all of Ferrari’s words here!