Empoli, the market is looming and many returning youngsters will be evaluated

Empoli has yet to formalize the arrival of new coach Roberto D’Aversa, but in the meantime they are looking around to strengthen the team. This is a real study phase: on DS Gemmi’s list there are many names and many ideas that will have to become reality as the days go by. For example, the arrival of Sebastiano Esposito seems close, who will partially make up for the losses in attack. On the other hand Esposito has the physique du role of the Italian footballer: young, with still unexpressed qualities, looking for a place that will let him express himself at his best and without too much pressure.

Some young people who have gained experience elsewhere will be evaluated
We don’t know when it will happen, but the retreat will presumably be full of many young players of ownership returning from other experiences. The first name is Angori, who together with Ignacchiti, was one of the pillars of the excellent Pontedera of Canzi. For the goal there should be the return of Chiorra, ex Lucchese, while in midfield Degli Innocenti and Renzi will be evaluated. It is likely that the group will be able to count on some pawns of the Birindelli Primavera: among these Indragoli, Nabian and Sodero are the most popular.

For new arrivals you will have to be patient
Empoli is naturally looking at the transfer market with great interest, given that the team will have to be almost completely rebuilt. There could be return horses like Bereszynski, Maleh and Zurkowski, the most suitable to wear the blue jersey; but the search is above all for players to be valorized, inexpensive, who have not yet expressed their potential. Empoli, in this sense, has always been a safe haven and we want to start again and lay the foundations from here.