Calamai: “Italy, is anyone really interested in this national team?”

Talking about the flop of the National team TMW Radioduring Maracanait was the journalist Luca Calamai: “Speaking to coaches and players, they explained to me that the head also commands the legs. The others were going twice as fast as Italy and a reflection on Italy’s approach to the European Championship from a physical point of view must be made. Spalletti is a man of certainties, I have never seen someone who follows the wave of the people. Now the problem is how and where to start again. Spalletti will have to prove he is a selectornot a coach, which is a different thing. The problem is whether this national team is of interest to anyone.

Is there really any interest in the national team getting out of this vortex of setbacks, excluding Euro 2021? We come from years of slaps, with a constantly lowering level. If you really want to change, then you have to call everyone to report and understand how to help the coachif necessary, perhaps a technical director of the national team, since there is no one (there is only a “political” president). Why don’t we discuss youth with the clubs also at a political level? We must protect Italians at least at a youth level. Either something is really done now or all the attention will immediately shift to other issues. If you don’t go to the World Cup with these rules… Let’s put football back at the center”.