Holland, Depay: “Before we kept our mouths shut with 5-6 players above the group”

Memphis Depayauthor of the momentary 2-2 of theHolland against Austria before suffering the defeat, spoke at a press conference in the run-up to the round of 16 against Romania. A commitment that according to the striker, now close to leaving Atlético Madrid, comes at the right time.

How to overcome the disappointment of the knockout against the Austrian national team: ”I look at myself critically”, the resolution of the problem for Depay. Continuing: “We can say things to each other, but the older ones set the lines. Then we also need the voices of the young players.” Even if once habits were different: “When I was 20 years old – said the former Barcelona player – and I had just arrived in Orange, there were five or six players who stood above the group. Then you followed them and kept your mouth shut. The hierarchy has changed in those years. Everyone must have an opinion, I think, you don’t always have to say it”, the words taken from TO.

Against Romania, however, something different is needed regarding the last outing: “The tournament will only start now. We have to learn from our mistakes. A trip is never perfect, you are together for a month. Then you focus on the results and if this doesn’t work, it is logical that there are some irritations”. To finish a nice slap at criticism from Depay: “Accepting criticism is easier if you are self-critical. Here too we analyse our performances, we look at what could be improved. But it is also a question of age… I am used to it after all these years”.