Darmian’s report cards – He understood very little about it, unrecognizable like all Inter fans

An afternoon to forget even for the reliable one Matthew Darmian, a player who usually never makes mistakes in games like this. “He has to worry about Ndoye, he is not as fluid as expected, El Shaarawy helps him. Tired, on his legs”, we read on the Corriere dello Sport. Race to forget even for Tuttosport: “The 24th minute nap was serious when he didn’t move up and kept Embolo in play. In general he struggled to find his position. He was always struggling with Vargas”.

“Always late, he is unrecognizable like all Inter fans”, we read instead in Corriere della Sera. For TMW it was a game in which “he really understood very little. In the 24th minute Embolo comes up late and luckily for him, he spares him by shooting the ball to Donnarumma. When the Swiss go after him, they go at double his speed”.

Matteo Darmian’s report cards
TMW: 4.5
Sports Gazette: 4
Corriere dello Sport: 4.5
Tuttosport: 4
Corriere della Sera: 4
The Republic: 4