Bressan bids farewell to Cagliari: “Thanks to those who accompanied me on this journey”

With a long post on Instagramthe former goalkeeping coach of Cagliari Walter Bressan wanted to greet the rossoblù club: “With this post I feel the need to sincerely thank all those who accompanied me on this beautiful journey which lasted 6 championships and 6 years of emotions, great emotions. I thank president Giulini who gave me the opportunity to make a contribution to a historic and important club like Cagliari Calcio.
Thanks to the Coaches, Directors, Secretaries, Collaborators, Doctors and Physiotherapists, Warehouse Workers, Cheffs, Gardeners, Drivers and all the Cagliari Employees.

All people who go out of their way for the good of this Company. Thanks to all the players, and above all thanks to the goalkeepers that I was lucky enough to coach from Cragno to Scuffet through Olsen, Rafael, Aresti, Ciocci, Vicario, Radunovic, Zari but also Daga and Cabras (my first goalkeepers in the spring) as well as all the goalkeepers and goalkeeping coaches of the youth sector. And thanks to all the fans, to the people of Cagliari. For me it was an honor to participate every day in the history of Cagliari Calcio, living and breathing the great attachment to the land and to the RossoBlu shirt of the people of Cagliari Città in particular, but also of all of Sardinia.

An attachment that I perceived from the past stories of those who experienced Cagliari, but also experienced first-hand during the matches, training sessions, victories and defeats and above all in the painful farewell to the legend Gigi Riva. One land, one people, one team. Always Go Casteddu!!! Thank you Cagliari Calcio. Thanks Cagliari. Thank you Sardinia”.