Bari, Maita surprised by rumors about Cesena. Interview with Magalini 2 days ago: the point

Among the players leaving for Bari, the name of Mattia May he was one of those who became the hottest, with several teams that would be interested in signing him. The new sporting director Giuseppe Warehouses is in fact working to build a team that can redeem the disappointing season just experienced by the Apulians, with safety achieved only at the last minute thanks to the playout victory against Ternana.

Over the past few weeks there have been many rumours regarding Maita, above all Cesena seems to have come forward to have him after their run in Serie C and the conquest of a place in Serie B for the 2024/25 season.

But what does the player think? According to reports, this situation took the player a bit by surprise, who considers himself very attached to the red and white cause. At least until today, in fact, he would never have expressed his desire to leave the club. In fact, two days ago there was also a telephone contact between Magalini himself and the midfielder’s entourage, which was held in very cordial tones.

The club on the other hand does not consider any player unsellable in this market, with the new management aiming to retain only those who are truly motivated and willing to sacrifice themselves for the team. Should offers arrive, these will be taken into consideration: however, there was no “stomach ache” on the player’s part to push for the transfer.