Switzerland, Sommer assures: “Italian football is not in crisis, today it’s our merit”

The goalkeeper of Inter and Switzerland Yann Sommer speaks like this in the mixed zone after the victory against Italy: “Did I expect Italy to be so surrendering? I think we played a really good match, it was hard for Italy to get into the game because we closed all the spaces, we played aggressively, with quality when we had the ball”, the words reported by Fcinternews.it.

Is this the year to go all the way for you?
“Let’s see step by step, now it’s important to continue like this, to be ready for our match. We know we have the chance to do well.”

Is Italian football in crisis?
“No, I think not. It’s a great national team, I think we put in a great performance today and it was difficult for Italy to play their game. I know many players who were on the pitch today and I know they have a lot of quality” , he concluded.