Serie C, the update on the benches: still fifteen clubs without a coach

Focus TMW

A decidedly quiet summer for the Serie C, which after the submission of applications for registration for the 2024-25 seasonsaw only the exclusion of Ancona (which did not even present the appeal) and the inclusion of the third U23 team in the roster of the 60 participants, Milan. All this, with the first market negotiations already underway, aimed above all at the bench. The composition of the three groups has not yet been drawn up, but, in an attempt to hypothesize it (therefore they are presumable, unofficial groupings), we now give an account of what the situation of the coaches is.

This is the point of the situation:

Albinoleffe: Giovanni LOPEZ (confirmed)
Alcyone: Giovanni CUSATIS (confirmed)
Arzignano Valchiampo: Alessandro BRUNO (new)
Atalanta U23 Francesco Modesto (confirmed)
Caldiero Terme: Cristian SOAVE (confirmed)
Feralpisalò: Aimo DIANA (new)
Giana Erminio: Andrea Chiappella 70%, other 30%
Lecco: Francesco BALDINI (new)
Lumezzane: Arnaldo FRANZINI (confirmed)
Novara: Giacomo GATTUSO (confirmed)
Padua: Matteo ANDREOLETTI (new)
Pergolettese: Giovanni MUSSA (confirmed)
For the Homeland Riccardo COLOMBO (confirmed)
Pro Vercelli: Paolo CANNAVARO (new)
Renate: Luciano Foschi 99%, other 1%
Trento: Luca TABBIANI (new)
Triestina Michele SANTONI (new)
Clodiense Union: Antonio Andreucci 99%, other 1%
Vicenza: Stefano Vecchi 95%, other 5%
Virtus Verona: Gigi FRESCO (confirmed)

Arezzo: Emanuele TROISE (new)
Ascoli: Massimo Carrera 70%, others 30%
Campobasso: Piero Braglia 99%, other 1%
Carpi: Cristian SERPINI (confirmed)
Gubbio: Roberto Taurino 40%, Gennaro Volpe 30%, other 30%
Legnago: Daniele GASTALDELLO (new)
Lucca: Giorgio Gorgone 90%, other 10%
Milan Future: Daniele Bonera (new)
Perugia:Alessandro FORMISANO (confirmed)
Pescara: Attilio Tesser 60%, other 40%
Pianese: Fabio PROSPERI (confirmed)
Pineto: Mirko Cudini 80%, other 20%
Pontedera: Alessandro AGOSTINI (new)
Rimini: Antonio BUSCÈ (new)
Sestri Levante: Andrea SCOTTO (new)
SPAL: Andrea DOSSENA (new)
Ternana: Ignatius ABATE (new)
Torres: Alfonso GRECO (confirmed)
Virtus Entella: Fabio GALLO (confirmed)
Vis Pesaro: Roberto STELLONE (confirmed)

ACR Messina: Giacomo MODICA (confirmed)
Bold Cerignola Giuseppe RAFFAELE (confirmed)
Avellino: Michele PAZIENZA (confirmed)
Benevento: Gaetano AUTERI (confirmed)
Casertana: Manuel IORI (new)
Catania: Domenico TOSCANO (new)
Cavese: Raffaele DI NAPLES (confirmed)
Crotone: Emilio LONGO (new)
Foggia: Massimo BRAMBILLA (new)
Julian Valerio BERTOTTO (confirmed)
Juventus Next Gen: Paolo Montero 90%, other 10%
Latin: Gaetano FONTANA (confirmed)
Monopolies: Alberto COLOMBO (new)
Picerno: Francesco TOMEI (new)
Power: Pietro DE GIORGIO (confirmed)
Sorrento: Enrico Barilari 60%, others 40%
Taranto: Eziolino CAPUANO (confirmed)
Team Altamura: Daniele Di Donato 99%, other 1%
Drills: Alfio Torrisi 90%, other 10%
Turris: Leonardo Menichini 10%, other 90%.