Inter are moving at Oaktree’s pace: the Martinez deal closed, Alex Perez also arriving from Sevilla

There’s not much time left, but Josep Martinez is about to become the first real shot of theit was Oaktree toInterThe Spanish goalkeeper is expected to undergo medical tests with the Nerazzurri club in the next few hours and, reports La Gazzetta dello Sportwith the official opening of the market on July 1st will make the official announcement, as well as for Mehdi Taremi and Piotr Zielinski who were booked well in advance during the season just ended.

Greenline. In the meantime, Inter are working with the lights off on the incoming transfer market for another target in attack, again with Genoa, and it is Albert Gudmundsson. The negotiation is intricate due to the economic restrictions of the Viale della Liberazione company, which is bound by the stringent mechanism of selling before buying. But if there is one aspect on which the new American ownership wanted to strike iron, it was the green Line: operations with a future perspective, in full harmony with the Nerazzurri management team and the new president Giuseppe Marotta.

Bisseck Affair. Interesting youngsters to be weaned and refined immediately under the wise guidance of Simone Inzaghi, so that they can be evaluated for a definitive choice on their future. To move to the Inter Primavera or to put down roots in the first team. This is what happened for Yann Bisseck last summer and during the year and this could happen for Alex Perez. According to what is defined by the Roseathe club has beaten off competition from several La Liga clubs and closed the deal for the 18-year-old defender Betis Seville: will arrive on loan with an option to buy for 3 million. With the hope that, once integrated with Simone Inzaghi’s group and the summer retreat is over, the Spaniard can set up camp there.