Brescia, a return to the past for the attack? Cellino’s target is Torregrossa del Pisa

Massimo Cellino, president of Brescia, has clear ideas regarding the Rondinelle attack for next season. As we read on the pages of The Tyrrhenian Seathe latest idea is to bring it back to Lombardy Ernesto Torregrossa. Pisa’s number 10 was in Brescia for the wedding of his friend Dimitri Bisoli, captain of the swallows, but apart from a greeting with Rolando Maran, among other things his coach in Pisa in summer 2022, there was really nothing concrete.

As we read in the sports pages of the newspaper, Brescia has not yet made an offer to Pisa and the player. There is a significant salary to support and it should not be forgotten that Torregrossa has a contract until 2025 but with an option for 2026. Pisa and Torregrossa will certainly have to talk about the renewal but the feeling is that his permanence in Pisa also depends on Filippo Inzaghi’s ideas.