Bologna, two shots from the market. Holm is already official, surprised Juan Miranda from Betis

“The Bologna FC 1909 announces that it has definitively acquired the right to the defender’s sporting performances from Spezia Calcio Emil Holm“. With this note, the rossoblù club announced its first summer signing in the last few hours. An additional quality winger at the disposal of mister Vincenzo Italiano, with Bologna having said goodbye to Saelemaekers in recent days due to a failed redemption from Milan.

The player, as we told you in recent days, arrives from Spezia on a permanent basis for a fee of 7 million euros and has signed a four-year contract with the rossoblù with an option for a fifth season. However, that of the Swede was not the only shot scored by Sartori and Di Vaio.

In fact, in the early afternoon he also arrived in Bologna Juan Mirandaleft winger born in 2000 who has undergone medical examinations and tests preparatory to signing the contract. A good move for the present and the future, the one linked to the former Betis player, freed for free by the Andalusians and ready to start his new Italian adventure. In his past also Barcelona and Schalke 04, a testimony to the consideration and quality in his feet. In the recent past, Miranda himself had been very close to signing with Milan. Accomplice this arrival, therefore, Bologna has abandoned the Robin Gosens track, former Inter and Atalanta negotiated in recent days.