…with Paolo Tramezzani –

“I expect the Italy that we have not yet seen until now. I hope that the team can finish the match in ninety minutes with the right personality.” So to TuttoMercatoWeb.com Paolo Tramezzani.

We didn’t shine against Croatia…
“Compared to the first two decisive eras, Croatia has more experience than us in playing such important matches and for all these reasons I knew it wouldn’t be an easy match. I’m in Croatia, I lived it among them.”

You know the Swiss environment well. How is Saturday’s match seen?
“Two and a half years ago Switzerland already played a trick on us. They will experience it with less pressure than us. And in the last match the team played with great intensity, a bit like Gasperini’s Atalanta. They know how to move well” .

The key men for Italy?
“I expect a lot from Donnarumma, Di Marco and Barella.”

And you, mister?
“On Monday we resume the season with Istria. I like working with young people.”