Taranto, Kanoute can really leave. A biennial is ready in Trapani

An important farewell could be looming on the horizon for the Taranto. A farewell of 13 goals and 3 assists in 37 games. We are talking about Mamadou KanouteItalian-Senegalese striker born in 1993, who arrived at ‘Iacovone’ last summer fromAvellino.

As reported by South antennain fact, the newly promoted but ambitious player would be very interested in the player Trapani which aims to close the deal as soon as possible. According to the broadcaster, there is already a basic agreement between the two clubs, with a two-year deal ready to be signed for the boy born in Dakar.

Kanoute (30) has also worn the shirts of Palermo, Catanzaro, Pro Vercelli, Benevento, Juventus Stabia And Valle d’Aostamanaging to make 297 appearances in Serie C with 48 goals, 8 in Serie B and 2 in Serie A.