Napoli, De Laurentiis: “We are hiring managers for the youth teams. Among them Santoro and Grava”

On the occasion of the presentation of the new stadium in Talese Terme, Aurelio De Laurentiispresident of Naplesspoke to the microphones of Eightchannelannouncing news within the corporate structure: “Just today with Santoro, who from now on will be interested in everything that concerns the future of the youth department, therefore the nursery, we were reasoning about the whole of Italy and abroad, because that is where we also have to go and find the children and adolescents who have this great ability to play and are recognizable through this group of people that we are about to hire and who will do this work more than what is already done with the youth teams of which Grava is a great expert”.

Meanwhile these days the Naples presented in style Antonio Conte as the new coach of the Neapolitan club. The former coach of Bari, Juventus, Chelsea, Italy, Inter and Tottenham will earn around 6.5 million euros per season until 2027, to which various bonuses could also be added depending on the results he will be able to achieve in the coming years.