Milan has a ‘Future’ in Serie C: green light from the Federal Council. Which modifies the regulation

Last day, the Federal Council took place in which, among other things, confirmation came of the arrival of Milan’s second team in Serie C. The Rossoneri will take the place of Ancona, who were not registered having submitted an incomplete application, even if it is not yet known which group he will be placed in. The fate of Milan, Atalanta and Juventus – the three second teams starting next season – will be decided in the Serie C group draw which will be held in the morning at the Lega Pro headquarters. In fact, none of the three clubs want to finish in Group C which would involve numerous away trips of hundreds, if not thousands given the presence of three Sicilian clubs, of kilometers during the season. The new Rossoneri team will have a particular name: Milan Futuro. The coach will be, as widely anticipated, the former defender Daniel Bonera.

The other novelty of the day is the modification of the second team regulation with two differences compared to the past: the first is that “the
In the event of relegation of the Second Team to the National Serie D Championship, the same may register for the 2025/2026 Amateur Championship, without prejudice to the possibility of repechage in Serie C according to the procedures established for the Second Teams”; the second instead concerns the use of players in any play-offs and play-outs: “Only those players who have reached 25 appearances in the Second Team’s match lists during the regular season may be used in any Play-Off or Play-Out matches, or 12 appearances if the player was registered by the Serie A Club only starting from 1 January 2025”.

Finally, a new, strong stance has arrived from Lega B against the second teams, underlining how “access to the Serie BKT championship involves an imbalance in the principle of fair competition as there cannot be promotion”.