Inter, the countdown has begun for Martinez: next week he will be in Milan for visits

L’Inter she finished her race and reached the finish line: Josep Martinez he will be a Nerazzurri player, there are no longer any doubts. The idea that Marotta, Ausilio and Baccin, in total agreement with Inzaghi, have in mind for the Spaniard is to have him fill the role of vice-Sommer for one season and then give him the starting shirt in the following one. The investment that the Viale della Liberazione company will make is an important one: the Genoa in fact he will collect 13.5 million euros plus 2 in bonuses.

The understanding between the parties is total. Who knows, maybe this operation will further improve the relationship between Inter and the Ligurians, who will almost certainly also talk about Albert Gudmundsson, another profile that really piques the imagination of the Italian champions. However, all the discussions are now focused on the goalkeeper who grew up in Barcelona, ​​for whom medical visits have already been booked: next week the ’98-born player will arrive in Milan and undergo the usual tests, before signing the contract that will bind him to his new team.

Martinez has not always been Inter’s favorite, or at least their first choice, because for a long time the favorite to fill the role of Nerazzurri goalkeeper was Bento. The market men had thought of allocating 20 million euros for the Athletico Paranaense player, but the Brazilians have always tried to stall, waiting for the auction, in which the club owned by Oaktree did not want to participate. From here some surveys for Maduka Okoye and then the decisive turn to Martinez.