Abodi: “Taranto at Iacovone? It’s a wish that we want to make come true”

The topic of the renovation of the Erasmo Iacovone stadium in Taranto, which will host the Mediterranean Games in 2026, continues to be a hot topic at a national level. Yesterday, the Minister of Sport Andrea Abodia guest in the Ionian city for a meeting regarding the city’s facility, took stock of the situation, hoping that Taranto will not have to move during this or the next season.

“We do our duty and once again we are in the position of having to do everything without making a single mistake. The meeting will help me understand, in detail, the work plan that I have also read, I was informed by the commissioner who is always punctual in communication. – continues Abodi as reported Giornalerossoblu.it – It is a time of challenges, but we are used to it and we hope not to dare too much against time which is a treacherous enemy”.

Then space for the question linked to Mr. Capuano’s team: “Having Trapani play at Iacovone is a hope, we must try to collaborate to ensure that it is confirmed in the facts. – continues the Minister – What is an absolute certainty is that we hope to contribute to delivering to this community a stadium that has excellent characteristics. We know that to reach this goal we must, on the one hand,observe game time and on the other try to meet the club’s needs, which is a piece of the city’s heritage and which above all must find its harmony and compatibility. Knowing what the main objective is and what a need we will try to respect, after today’s and tomorrow’s meeting everything will be clearer.”