Giugliarelli on Formisano: “Never had any doubts about Formisano staying in Perugia”

TMW Radio

After the elimination of the Perugia from the last Serie C promotion playoffs some rumors began to circulate of a possible farewell between the Umbrian club and the coach Alessandro Formisano.

A situation on which the director of the Griffin, Jacopo Gugliarelli he expressed himself through the microphones of TMW Radio during the broadcast ‘A Tutta C’:

“Formisano has been with us for four years, we know his virtues as a man and as a coach. When we decided to rely on him we knew that a path would be necessary, because he came from the youth world and because he is the youngest professional coach in Italy. It’s one thing to work in a youth sector, it’s another thing to deal with public opinion on a daily basis, where you experience the immediate quest to achieve an objective. There isn’t the time you get in the youth team in the first team.”