Final balance sheet, Milan U23 in Serie C and beyond. The full note after the Federal Council

The unanimous approval of the 2023 final budget, which presents a positive operating result of 2.6 million euros, the admission of Milan Under 23 to the Serie C championship and the approval of the modification, from the 2025/ 2026, of the formats of the women’s Serie A and Serie B championships. These were the most significant decisions taken at today’s meeting of the Federal Council, which also approved the dates of the national championships for the next sports season.

FINAL BUDGET 2023. The Federal Council unanimously approved the 2023 final budget, which presents a positive operating result of 2.6 million euros. The Federation’s work was characterized by its commitment to the valorisation and development of federal potential in the sporting, commercial, institutional and social fields, as well as by the pursuit of good management objectives, with the ultimate aim of ensuring a high level of services strictly connected to its institutional purposes linked to the activity of playing football and the social aspects connected to it, guaranteeing the best sporting, organizational and economic results. The value of Production stands at 211.7 million euros, the best result in a year without international victories.

“It is an important result – declared Gravina at the press conference – determined by the great work of the Federation and by the federal policy choices made in the last five years. There has been an important crescendo that is there for all to see. The budget also takes into account the large prospective investments in terms of digitalisation, computerization and valorisation of some projects, including that of women’s football which today saw us approve the modification of the formats of the Serie A and B championships from the season 2025/26 (12 teams in the top league, 14 in the cadet league, ed.).

ADMISSION OF MILAN U23. Following the failure of Ancona to be admitted to the 2024/25 Serie C championship, which resulted in a vacancy in the squad to be filled, and having received a positive opinion from Covisoc and the Infrastructure Commission regarding the request for repechage, the Council voted to admit Milan Under 23.

“This is a double success – underlined the federal president – ​​because in the space of two years we have expanded the number of Second Teams (from one to three, ed.), but above all because on 27 June the championship staffs are complete and we can proceed to compile the calendars, without having to refer to matters of a judicial nature”.

DATES FOR NEXT NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS. The Council approved the start and end dates of competitive activity for the next season as shown below:

Serie A EniLive: start 18 August 2024 – end 25 May 2025;
BKT Series: starts August 17, 2024 – ends May 9, 2025;
Serie C Now: start 25 August 2024 – end 27 April 2025;
Serie A Women’s Professional: start August 31, 2024 – end May 18, 2025;
Serie B Women: start 31 August 2024 – end 18 May 2025;
Series D: start 8 September 2024 – end 4 May 2025;
Women’s Serie C: start 8 September 2024 – end 1 June 2025;
Serie A 5-a-side football: start 19 October 2024 – end 21 June 2025;
Serie A Women’s Futsal: start 29 September 2024 – end 15 June 2025.

REGULATORY CHANGES. In order to make the times for checks and any referrals on non-payment of emoluments and other economic obligations even more certain and limited, the proceedings of which could affect the timing for the conclusion of the championships, the Council unanimously approved two regulatory changes.

The first concerns the modification of art. 80 of the NOIF with the introduction of paragraph 4, which establishes “by the tenth day following the expiry of the terms referred to in art. 85 letter A) paragraphs V) and VI) and art. 85 letter B) paragraphs II) and III), reporting to the Federal Prosecutor’s Office the non-payment of emoluments, early retirement incentives and the non-payment of Irpef withholdings, INPS contributions and the Career End Fund relating to the monthly salaries from July to March of each sporting season for the men’s Serie A and women’s Serie A clubs and relating to the monthly payments from July to February of each sporting season for the Serie B and Serie C clubs”.

A similar approval was given for the modification of the Sports Justice Code, which concerns paragraph 2 of art.124 (special proceedings), providing that “all the terms of the disciplinary procedure are reduced to a third and in any case the term for the referral is reduced to 15 days starting from the aforementioned report”.