Cesena, Mignani: “Ambitious club and young team. A pride to be here”

“Describing yourself is always difficult. What has always been recognized in me is a personal balance that I think can be considered a gift. Having arrived here in Cesena is a source of pride. These days I am learning about the property which is ambitious and growing rapidly. I am very happy to have accepted the director’s offer.” The new Romagna coach Michele Mignani he spoke today at a press conference introducing himself to the new square: “Every season is different from the other and every season teaches you something. This is a different place and society compared to Bari and Palermo. The prerequisite is to continue on the wave of enthusiasm even if it is a different championship and we will have to find an adaptation to a new category. – continues Mignani as reported on the club website – We have a young team and we have to start from here even if it is premature to talk about what it will be and what we will do because we must always consider that we have adversaries ahead of us. However, we will try to have a brilliant Cesena, who can take control of the match. I still have a few days to think about what to say to the players, what is certain is that in football it doesn’t matter what was done until yesterday and we need to think about tomorrow. For some it will be the first year in Serie B, I will have to accompany them on this journey and football does not wait for you”.

Then there is room for possible objectives to pursue next season: “The club will respond, for me the biggest objective is to create a competitive group and give the best. Module? Last year’s game bore good results and if the characteristics of the players allow it we can start from there, but it is not so much the formation or the numbers that are important, but rather the interpretation.. The young people have proven to be interesting and this year they participated in the championship victory and I don’t see why we shouldn’t continue on this path.”

Finally, a thought for the fans: “Every time I have come to Cesena I have always found a stadium with great warmth and a passionate and passionate fan base. As he always has, I’m sure he will give a great hand to the team.”