Spezia, work is underway on the Soleri-Nikolaou exchange with Palermo. Watch out for Aurelio


Contacts on the axis are intensifying Palermo-La Spezia for the future of three players.

In fact, according to what was gathered by the editorial staff of TuttoMercatoWeb.com pink and black and Eaglets are working on the exchange of loans (both with right of redemption) between Edoardo Soleria forward born in 1997 who spent two years at ‘Barbera’ (110 appearances and 22 goals) and the Greek defender Dimitrios Nikolaou (112 appearances and 2 goals).

Pay attention, however, also to Spezia’s strong interest in Joseph Aureliusleft back born in 2000 who grew up in the youth sector of Sassuolo in Palermo from summer 2022.