Sampdoria, Leoni ends up in Napoli’s sights. Here is the idea of ​​the Neapolitan club


After an extremely positive first season in Serie B Giovanni Leoni he convinced everyone in the house Sampdoriaso much so that the Sampdoria club immediately redeemed his card from Padua as the first operation in view of the new season.

The 17-year-old Roman, however, is obviously not only liked by the Ligurian club. In fact, Serie A is also following him with keen interest and in particular the Naples.

In fact, according to what was gathered by the editorial staff of the Neapolitan club, entrusted to Antonio Contewould in fact have the intention of acquiring ownership of the 2006 class card without however immediately taking him to Castel Volturno.

The current idea would be to leave him at ‘Marassi’ for another season on loan.