Olympics, Lacazette: “Henry called me and made me want to come back”

It’s not just there France by Didier Deschamps. Despite not having been called up for seven years, the return of Alexandre Lacazette with Les Bleus: the Lyon striker has been included in the list of participants at Paris Olympics by coach Thierry Henry. His call to the training camp at Clairefontaine was obviously a surprise and during today’s press conference he recounted all the emotions he felt about this call.

First sensations. “Yes, it was nice to be back in the ‘castle’. I was happy to come back to Clairefontaine and see the structures, even if they have changed a little in seven years,” Lacazette said. “And how did I find out? A bit like everyone else, through the networks. Then I managed to contact the coach on the phone and this confirmed my decision”, the words echoed by RMC Sports. Going into detail about the conversation had with Henry: “The call was very good. I reacted well since I’m here (laughs, ed.). We talked, we talked about football. And he explained to me a little more about his ambitions and his desire to playing well. We really only talked about football, this made me want to come even more”, he comments.

The 33-year-old former Arsenal striker will not be the captain of the French team at the 2024 Olympic Games, a news which however does not particularly upset him: “I don’t have a particular role, and that’s what made me feel at ease. (Henry, ed.) He took me on as a player and not as a manager or uncle. It doesn’t make me feel older than the others. I train like the others, he talks to me like the other players, so it’s quite pleasant.”