Lawyer Di Cintio: “Azzurri give us a dream”

It’s difficult to describe what we experienced on Monday evening.
We went from being discouraged to the story of a recovery from Italy, right at the last second.
The match (and the performance) reminded me a lot of the famous Italy-Nigeria 30 years ago, when a phenomenon like Roby Baggio dragged us along, leading us to victory after the match was over, and then up to the unfortunate US final against Brazil.
Let’s hope the ending has the same effect on our national team.
Because, regardless of the technical and tactical choices that may or may not be acceptable, the national team’s matches are able to create a unique atmosphere that too often – due to our own demerits – has been missing lately.
I am obviously referring to the failure to qualify for the last two World Cups.

So that’s fine, although I hope that the Azzurri’s level is higher than what was expressed in the last two matches.
With the hope that Zaccagni’s prodigy (the substitutions were present and for this we must applaud Technical Commissioner Luciano Spalletti) in the final will deliver the same energy as the magic of the greatest number 10 in Italian history, in 1994.
Come on Italy, there is a country that, albeit with a thousand doubts, dreams of falling in love with you like three years ago, when we were not the strongest but certainly the most united group!

The lawyer Cesare di Cintio was born in Bergamo on 1 July 1972 and has been registered with the Bergamo Bar Association since 2002; since 2014 he has been practicing law in the Supreme Court. Over the years, its activity has been mainly concentrated in the field of sports law. He trained at the CONI Sports School where he had the opportunity to undertake a study program in the legal and economics of sport fields. To date, he provides legal assistance to sports clubs, federations and leagues, sports managers, coaches, athletes as well as sports agents both in matters before ordinary and sports justice bodies.