England, Stones: “I understand the frustration, but it’s not easy when you have a target on your back”

L’England they moved up from first place in the group, albeit with a narrow 0-0 draw against Poland. John Stones, defender of the Three Lions and Manchester City, however, is sure that the team will be able to show improvements in the long run of the European Championships in Germany. In the meantime, he is anxiously waiting to find out who they will meet in the round of 16 in Gelsenkirchen on Sunday evening (5pm).

The analysis. “I think we all wanted to win tonight. The goal was to get through the group and we did that, so I’m very happy, it’s not always going to be an easy road. It’s not always going to be easy when everyone has a target on their back to beat us.” , Stones admitted to the English Federation channels. Continuing: “But two clean sheets out of three is a great result to take into the next phase. I think there have been a lot of improvements compared to the other two games.”

Dissatisfied square. “We tried to play more freely – explained the defender born in 1994 – and I think we succeeded, we found people in the pockets, we created more opportunities and I think it’s another step in the right direction. I can understand the frustration of the fans because we don’t score or don’t take chances, but this is football, we left everything out there and it’s never an easy game.”