Pierpaolo Bisoli on his son: “He would have stayed in Brescia also in C. He loves the shirt and the fans”

In a long interview given to Brescia Today the Modena coach Pierpaolo Bisoli he spoke at length about his son Dimitri Bisoli flag of Swallows where he has played for eight seasons and of which he is captain, explaining that the ’94 class would not have left Brescia even after last year’s relegation to Serie C, then ‘cancelled’ by the readmission due to Reggina’s bankruptcy.

“After a couple of years I saw my son full of passion when he talked about everything related to Brescia. He is a very sentimental person, he believes in human values ​​and does not look at contracts first and foremost. – explains Bisoli senior – For him, the shirt and the love for a club and its fans count. After last year’s relegation he never took into consideration the many offers he had received, he would have stayed to play here in Serie C too“.

“Dimitri absolutely wants to bring Brescia back among the greats. I’m sure it’s his dream. Will he fulfill it? – continues the coach looking to the future – He will certainly do everything. Next year in Serie B there will be several clubs equipped to the promotion fight but I am convinced that Brescia will do their part.”

Bisoli junior in these eight seasons has made 282 appearances, with 33 goals and 29 assists to his credit, which make him a flagship of the Lombard club given that he currently occupies fifth place in the all-time rankings ahead of Antonio Filippini and Marco Zambelli.