Spezia, decisive days for Dragowski: agent commissions slow down the sale

These are decisive days for the future of Bartlomiej Dragowski at Panathinaikos, the club where he has played for the last six months on loan. In fact, the tackle goalkeeper has convinced the Greek club with his performances, 16 appearances with which he contributed to the victory in the Greek Cup, and he should remain in the green and white even if the club has not yet found the right solution for the redemption of his card.

As reported The 19th Century The negotiations are mainly held up by the commissions for the Pole’s agent Mariusz Kulesza for the operation, in addition to the fact that Panathinaikos would have decided to go below 2 million euros for the player’s price. The future of the class of ’97 does not seem in doubt, but there remain some steps to verify and some details to be ironed out to allow the former Viola to continue his adventure in Greece.

Dragowski is thus preparing to end his adventure at Spezia which began in 2022/23 in Serie A which saw the number one make 49 appearances in a year and a half before being overtaken in the hierarchy by the other departing player Joroen Zoet, whose contract is expiring , in the second part of the season and was thus forced to move elsewhere last January.