Sirens from Serie B for the free agent Rizzo Pinna: Pisa and SudTirol are targeting the attacker


Spotlight on the attacker Andrea Rizzo Pinna in Serie B and beyond. The class of 2000, after having highlighted himself with the Lucchese shirt last season, with 14 goals and 7 assists in 41 appearances, is very attractive on the transfer market given that he will be released at the end of the month and will be available for purchase on a free transfer.

According to what was gathered by the editorial staff of for the young striker there will be a real auction with Pisa and SudTirol who have set their sights on him and are the favorites given the agents’ desire to give priority to Serie B over Serie C. In fact, many people also like Rizzo Pinna important clubs in the third series such as Benevento, Padova, Perugia and the ambitious Trapani who have just been promoted.