Motta to Juve, Vlahovic: “I can’t wait to return to Turin. I’ll talk to the club about the rest”

Disappointment for Dusan Vlahovicthe Juventus striker who did it yesterday the debut at Euro2024 with her Serbia. In the end, England prevailed (1-0 scored by Bellingham) and the Serbian cannot be happy with the performance (the only shot on target came only in the 82nd minute): “It was a difficult shot, Pickford was positioned well. From that situation I got the most out of it. But I’m not very satisfied with the first half, I could have done much better, I still played in a position that isn’t mine, it was very difficult for me. But the coach decided like this , I am here, always available to the team, I do what they ask of me, because for me it is a pleasure to represent my country. After 24 years we are here, we deserve it, but there are no excuses, I know what they expect me, without a shadow of a doubt, I have to do better and I hope to do better in the next two games.”

Intercepted by Rai Sport post-match, Vlahovic also had the opportunity to talk about Juventus: “Thiago Motta new coach? Yes, but now I’m only thinking about the national team, I hope to stay in Germany as long as possible because this team, this group deserves it, then we’ll talk about the other things later. I can’t wait to return to Turin and I will be available. Then I will talk to the club about all the other things.”