Inter, you already have a Dybala at home: Ausilio will do everything not to sell the gem Carboni

Paulo Dybalaold obsessionInterwill watch the Copa America from home while Valentin Carboni, praised in recent hours by Leo Messi, will be part of the Argentine expedition. And the future of the Nerazzurri gem will have more defined contours only after the continental event. Help he spoke of two possible paths (remaining under Inzaghi’s orders or a new loan) and did not speak of a transfer but everything will depend on the offers.

Second Tuttosport in fact a stay at Inter is difficult while a transfer cannot be ruled out. “To date, the price tag is already worth 30 million and a lot will also depend on the direction of Oaktreewithout forgetting also a possible ‘corner rescue’ represented by the possibility of finding a buyer who, as Bologna did for Fabbian, would grant Inter the possibility of buying back the Argentine at a pre-established price”, writes the newspaper.