Inter, renewal ok for Inzaghi: a year with an option is the right formula to close

The renovations continue at Inter. After the official announcement of Barella’s and the reassurances regarding Lautaro’s, for which only the signatures are missing, the turn has come to Simone Inzaghi. A question of time and details but, as announced yesterday by Marotta, this official status will also arrive soon.

The coach, whose contract expires in 2025, would like to join the Nerazzurri until 2027. The Inter management would instead prefer a renewal for just one season, but the inclusion of an option on the contract could put an end to any discussion. As reported La Gazzetta dello Sport, the agreement could come with a 1+1 solution, i.e. a renewal until 2027 with the option for another year. “There won’t be any problems, because both sides want to continue,” Marotta said: it’s just a matter of contracting and closing.

As regards Inzaghi’s salary, the desire is to make him the highest paid coach in Serie A as he has richly deserved. So far Simone has earned around 5.5 as a fixed part and it is possible that it goes up by at least a million. Even further considering the bonuses: for him a significant portion of the salary will be linked to international results, from the Champions League to the World Cup.