The joke that the club hoped would not arrive, has instead arrived, because Roberto D’Aversa will not be the next coach of Cesena: the coach, in fact, having received the call from Empoli, met with the club, effectively finding the agreement, after the same had also been found with the Romagna team. Both clubs put on the table an annual contract with an option for the following season, but the Tuscans had the category on their side, the Serie A that D’Aversa would not have wanted to lose after his dismissal in Lecce.
In any case, the one who has to lick their wounds is Cesena, who now, also orphaned of the coach of the return to Serie B – that Domenico Toscano promoted to Catania’s groom – must also find a new coach. According to what was gathered by the editorial staff of TuttoMercatoWeb.comjust after the match between D’Aversa and Empoli, the bianconeri have started to test the waters again with former Bari and Palermo player Michele Mignaniwith which there has already been an approach.
New contacts have already been made, and for the moment Mignani himself seems to be the only name in vogue for the future of Cesena, but we will understand shortly if there will be different developments in this sense.