Spain, De La Fuente: “Morata and Rodri? Nothing important, we want to dose the players”

A match without history between the Spain and the Croatia Yesterday. The Red Furies they annihilated them 3-0 check yourself out by Dalic with goals from Carvajal, Fabian Ruiz and Morata, even if the technical commissioner Luis de la Fuente suffered a few moments of concern for the forced exit from the field of Morata (in the 67th minute) and the unexpected one by Rodri (in the 86th ‘).

The images of the two players on the ground – with Morata having applied ice to himself on the bench, reports Sports World -, they raised fears of something more serious than what turned out to be. In fact, after the match, the national team coach immediately intervened to appease the players fears and bring back serenity in view of the delicate match against Italy next Thursday.

Infused serenity. “It’s nothing important. Morata – explained De La Fuente – suffered a blow to his calf, he felt muscle problems following the blow. Rodri had fatigue. He worked very hard, ran a lot and asked for a replacement in a very intelligent way. We want to dose all the players to get to the final stage of this competition. That’s our goal and we want to do it in the best conditions.” According to the 62-year-old coach, neither player will run risk to miss the match against Luciano Spalletti’s Azzurri.