Napoli, Osimhen prefers Arsenal. But the Gunners want to insert counters

Victor Osimhen and the future which is still a puzzle. Where will the Nigerian go to play? The latest on the sale of the former Lille player comes from Corriere del Mezzogiorno. All potential suitors know that Napoli has planned the transfer and, therefore, they are trying to construct an advantageous negotiation. On the other hand, Aurelio De Laurentiis continues to ask for the amount of the clause.

Arsenal is the most welcome solution for the player, there has been some contact but the Gunners are trying to insert technical counterparts and make the investment for Osimhen less onerous. In the background there is the Saudi market with Al Hilal and Al Ahli, reopening a discussion that broke out during the Castel Di Sangro retreat in August last year.