Luis Figo: “The 2030 World Cup will be a unique opportunity to unite the continents”

(ANSA) – ROME, JUNE 16 – “Morocco, Portugal and Spain have already demonstrated their value by organizing other events, it will be a unique opportunity to unite two continents and a great opportunity to show Portugal to the whole world. I don’t see why all three cannot be serious contenders in 2030.” Thus Luis Figo, ambassador of the 2030 World Cup which will be held in Portugal, Spain and Morocco, talks about the importance of the competition and the possibilities for the host countries to play their chances. Then, on the European Championships taking place in Germany, Figo admits that “Portugal has a strong team, with a mix of experienced and young players. It is one of the 5 or 6 teams that can win the tournament”. Regarding his time with the national team, he underlines that “I have never taken the honor of wearing the Portugal shirt for granted. I was lucky enough to play in three European Championships and two World Cups, unique opportunities that will remain with me forever.

The Europeans at home didn’t go as we wanted, but I feel enormous pride for my country”, he continues. Finally a thought on the teams he played for: “I was part of the Sporting academy from the age of 12, the transition it was a source of immense pride for the first team. Barcelona gave me the opportunity to establish myself on the international stage, while at Real Madrid I played with many stars, winning the Champions League. I also remember my time at Inter fondly. They welcomed me as one of their own and we had a lot of fun, winning the championship in each of the four seasons in which I played”, he concludes. (ANSA).