Italy, Spalletti: “Today Barella doubled himself. We always have the right deal in store”

The Italy coach Luciano Spalletti speak like this to Sky Sports after the comeback win against Albania: “They were doubly good, after the goal they conceded they immediately started again saying that nothing had happened. There were the right words and the right attitudes, we all share what happens on the pitch, be it a goal is a wrong attitude. We want to divide everything equally, the one who wins the Cup takes a piece of it and gives a little to everyone for having played well and for having scored.”

“He played a great game, he split himself into the role of midfielder and midfielder, he came to clean up the sensations together with Jorginho. Having two low point guards makes things more difficult for the opponents because there are two of them who have to press. We liked each other sometimes. too much, we gained the advantage and we risked something in the final. The fact that they never got the ball on the half of the pitch and that they didn’t have all this possession means that we always kept them quite distant with the line We try to do better and better, we are happy with what we showed today, we won a match that could have been won even better, we did many things well, we could have gone on to achieve it and c. ‘It was a bit of light-heartedness. We always have it in our hands if we’re not careful, when we feel like we’re in control.”