Parma, Circati: “The objective is to remain in Serie A. We have many players with great potential”

Alessandro Circati he was one of the best on the pitch in the match between Australia and Palestine, valid for qualification for the next World Cup. The Crusader defender impressed everyone, playing an exceptional performance in front of fans, family and friends, in Perth, the city where he grew up: “It’s nice to be home. Thanks to all the Australians who came to the stadium, it’s fantastic seeing many familiar faces again. Everything has changed very quickly since I left Perth. It’s the first game in this stadium, in the past I’ve only done a few training sessions in the city that is home to me in the national team shirt. It’s been a fantastic year for me, I hope there are as many positive things waiting for me in the future.”

On the Serie A that awaits him and on Parma’s messages: “In this period we have taken a break after the season, they are leaving us to our rest period. We know that the objective is to remain in Serie A, we have a team capable of doing well. We have many young players who have the potential to do great things in their careers. The club’s message is to stay in Serie A, not only to achieve salvation but to do so by playing well.”

On the national team: “We have many competitions. We practically have two teams that can easily play in the qualifiers, 25 players who can be starters. You can also see it with the substitutions, those who come off the bench always do well.”