Frosinone, Canotto can stay. Last year he wore the Cosenza shirt

Louis Dinghyexternal attacker born in 1994 owned by Frosinonelast season he played on loan at Cosenza in Serie B, could remain in Ciociaria: the player is linked to the Ciociaria club with a contract expiring on 30 June 2026 but the club, according to what has been gathered by Tuttofrosinonewould like to bet on him again.

In the meantime, it is of interest to the Cardinals
A season compromised by a muscle injury, which kept him on the sidelines for much of the second half of the championship, but the performances of goalkeeper Matteo Cardinali certainly did not go unnoticed. In the recently concluded Serie C season, the goalkeeper born in 2001 defended Latina’s goal 20 times, but now, according to what was gathered by the editorial staff of, he could also make the leap to Serie B, with of the clubs ready to sit around a table to discuss the possible transition with the Pontini.

In fact, we remind you that the player is linked to the Nerazzurri for one more season, but Frosinone, SudTirol and Brescia have in the meantime received information on the matter. The market is therefore ready to heat up, and the future of Cardinali – who boasts long experience in Roma’s youth team – is still to be written. It is also unclear whether Latina wants to get rid of him.