Reja has no doubts: “With Conte, Napoli will win again: just have a little patience”

Edoardo Rejaformer coach of Napoli among others, gave an interview to Radio Goal, live on Kiss Kiss Napoli, speaking in particular about the Azzurri’s choice to rely on Antonio Conte for the reconstruction after theannus horribilis lived with Garcia, Mazzarri and Calzona: “De Laurentiis was good at convincing Conte, he made a great impression, and even the coach himself, on a contractual level, accepted some conditions that were placed on him. He will definitely return to Naples, he has great affection, compared to England, and in my opinion he arrived with great enthusiasm.

Working with the typical week without the cups is certainly very important for him and to put his football into practice, he really wanted Naples and knows the enthusiasm that can be felt in this city. In my opinion, the company also gave him the necessary guarantees. He has to work, “adda fatigue” as Conte said.

He has a competitive staff but it will be necessary to find other players functional to his project, it will be necessary to understand what he will ask of the club and obviously also the proceeds from the sale of Victor Osimhen. The teams must be made before the start of the championship and I hope that De Laurentiis will be able to immediately satisfy the new coach’s requests. With Conte, with a little patience we will win again!”.