Pescara, the coaching puzzle continues: the latest ideas lead to Bianco and Diana

The Pescara is always looking for a new coach these last few days: as reported by TuttoC.comwith Attilio Tesser so far there has only been one exploratory phone call, which dates back ten days. Maximum Brambilla remains in the running for papacy together with Michele Patiencewhich however is unlikely to leave Avellino despite the disappointment in the playoffs. In the last few hours, however, two new ideas have come out, which lead to former Modena player Paolo White and the former Vicenza Aimo Diana.

Official time
Pescara sold two defenders to the Netherlands: the central Ivan Mesik and the left back Lorenzo Milani, both born in 2001. The first arrived in January 2023 in Abruzzo and since then has collected 48 appearances with the blue and white shirt, while the second he arrived in the summer of 2022 and since then he has played 71 games with five goals and nine assists. Both have signed contracts until 2028 with Milani also having an option for a further year with the Dutch club.

The future of Merola
The future of Davide Merola is uncertain, having been with Pescara for a year and a half. However, there is no shortage of suitors for the striker born in 2000, who scored 19 goals in 43 games for the Abruzzo team last season. According to what was gathered by the TMW editorial staff, Catania is interested in him and is ready to make an important offer. However, it will not be easy for the Etna players to close this deal, given that Merola also has the possibility of playing in Serie B next year. In fact, in addition to the rossoazzurri, Pisa, Spezia and Cesena are also interested in him.